
The G Quest

For a number of years, I've been searching, nay - hunting, for the letter "G" from some exterior signage for use indoors. Capital, lowercase, italic (well no, let's not get crazy), it doesn't matter.

I've patrolled the Internet for companies going bankrupt. I'm certain that everyone at Gardiners Furniture HQ hates me on some level, for CREATING a waiting list for their signage when they go out of business:

Oh yeah baby. Look at that serific G just waiting for me to pop the green cover off and hang it on my wall... call me!

I've trekked through the ghettoest parts of the city, looking for boarded-up strip malls or Churches of God, with no luck. Some friends who know of my mission point out marquees, vinyl banners, and the Claddagh's sign (pretty sure I'd need a blow torch and a crow bar for that one).

So I'm here to say: people, people. My letter needs to be all of the following:
a) legally acquired. A gift of an awesome "G" with a vague back story of its origination counts, btw.
b) serif. I'm 99% sold on this fact, however if anyone knows of a Long and Foster office that's about to kick it, I will happily accept a Helvetica Neue G:

This is their Capitol Hill location, if y'all are interested in keeping an eye out for their demise for me.
c) between 20" and 60" wide (or high). Yep, size matters. If I wanted a little guy, I'd just go to Joann's or whittle my own:

So those are the prerequisites to being a G in my home. Any help is wanted, appreciated, desired. But no, Linens n Things, you will not be considered:

Yeccch. Hideous.

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